Located atop Sand Mountain, a southern offshoot of the Cumberland Plateau, Rainsville is a small city located in DeKalb County, Alabama. When the most recent U.S. census was conducted six years ago, Rainsville had a population just under 5,000.
Officially incorporated in 1956, Rainsville has experienced its fair share of tragedy, including the EF5 tornado that killed 25 residents in 2011. Countless trees were uprooted, numerous homes destroyed. Building debris could be found nearly a mile from their foundations. Fortunately, the folks that call Rainsville home are a persistent, resourceful people.
When it comes to demographics, 93.5% of Rainsville’s population is white, 1% Native American, and 4% Hispanic. As of the 2000 census, Rainsville’s median family income was $37,426 — $31,776 for men and $19,618 for women.
Notable Rainsville residents include former state senator Lowell Barron, former Crimson Tide Defensive Coordinator Jeremy Pruitt, and Eric Whitfield, author of a popular children’s book, the premise of which involves an aerial pasta creature.
The Rainsville Municipal Courthouse is located at 70 McCurdy Avenue North in Rainsville, Alabama, 35986.